Monday, June 28, 2010

Second Last Weekend In Kingston

Well, we are into our final three days in Kingston. What a wonderful six years it has been! We added two more children to our clan, a boat, lots of new friends, strengthened old acquaintences, fell in love with the Peachy's, wonderful camping. So, the packers are here and they are doing it all today. We go to the hotel tonight. The kids are both sad and excited.

Our 2nd last weekend, Father's Day weekend, Clay was gone but we still had fun. We had a birthday party on Saturday and went to a beach on Wolfe Island called Big Sandy Bay. It was stunning and tonnes of fun. The boys took in some awesome body surfing on the waves while the girls play along the shore. We packed a picnic supper and had quite a day. Here are the photos from those two events.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Randoms Since Jan 10

Here are some random photos since January, that I have not published. I don't know why not? Probably just because because I never got around to it. Anyways,we are currently being packed up and all the toys in the basement are boxed. It's hard to believe how fast things are moving along. So here are the photos.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Wasn't That A Party

It wasn't supposed to be such a party but it turned out to be. I asked our neighbours if they wanted to share supper together on Friday evening before Clay headed out to Scotland. So, we planned so pool time for the kids and had a potluck supper. That simple supper ended up being a bit of a party that ended after 1 am. We had a tonne of fun with Mike and Kathryn and eventually, Joanne and Tom, who live down the street, joined us too. We were playing old country tunes, wearing cowboy hats and even a little dancing took place.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Our Music Recital

Riley, Brodie and Grace had their music recital on Thursday, the 10th of June. They did very well at it. They confidently announced their songs at to the crowd and played them wonderfully. I was so proud of them. The also played rhythm instruments in a collective rhythm ensemble along to with their teacher who played the piano, which was very good. All in all, they had a great year of playing and learning. Here are some photos of their recitial.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Daddy's Away.....

....So we'll play, play, play. Not that we don't play when Daddy is around. I have planned a whole hockey sock of fun activities for us to do while Clay is in Scotland and England, to help the time go by faster and keep everyone's minds off the fact that he is gone. On Tuesday evening, we headed out to Grass Creek Park for an awesome picnic and some playtime at the beach with our friend Melina and Erika. I didn't catch any snaps of the picnic but I got a few on the beach. Here they are.

I have a few more things to blog when I get around to it, but I promised Clay I would post these pics first. Keep an eye out for Our Music Recital, Wasn't That A Party, and Randoms that didn't make the First Cut.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Rubber Boots and Dresses

The photos below were taken this past Tuesday. It was one of those awesome mornings where, although it was gloomy, the air temperature was beautiful: warm with a comforting coolness. So, I took the girls outside to get some fresh air before the next bit of rain passed through. Like I said, the air was perfect: warm enough for sun dresses, while the preceding rain necessitated rubber boots. I didn't coordinate the girls outfits and rubber boots for the photos. It was just a fabulous coincidence.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The First Pool Day of the Season

Our first pool day at Nana Kat and Grampy Mike's pool was this past Saturday, May 29th. I didn't go in because the water was only 72F, but the rest of the gang went in. Yes, I am wimpy. Somehow, 72 in the pool feels way colder than 72 in the lake. The kids had a blast jumping in and out of the pool. They are all really good little swimmers. Grace is confident in the water without a life jacket, Brodie can swim clear across the pool without one and Riley is a regular fish. Fiona is a bit like Mom and shy of the cold water; however, she was enticed in the pool by the cool floaty thing. Her are the pics to prove it all.