Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Best Camping Trip Ever!!!

One week ago today, we ventured off to Charleston Lake Provincial Park for a family camping trip. It was absolutely great!!! There was quite a bit of rain predicted in the forecast, but we got very little of it and enjoyed four days of camping. Although we didn't see much sun until Sunday, the weather was quite warm and the humdid ex helped out a bit. There were lots of cool park sponsored activities. They had presentations for children every day in the morning. What kind? Just cool nature stuff that kids like such as learning about turtles or distinguishing between animals that look alike. They also had evening presentations at an outdoor ampitheatre. We attended two of them titled Dragonflies and Damsel Flies and also The Black Ratsnake. At the end of these presentations, the staff had a password that the children had to remember. After collecting three password, they could report to the Park Naturalist Staff, tell them the passwords and then they were awarded the title of Park Junior Naturalist. Riley is a Junior Naturalist at Charleston. Do you know what a tenerrel, odanata, or hybernaculum is? Need a biology lesson, ask Riley. While at Charleston, we also hiked two trails. They were excellent as one trail hiked through rock crevices and the other under a native rock shelter. We also saw very beautiful views overlooking the lake. Very cool. Clayton also had the opportunity to take the boys fishing while Mommy and Grace went napping on Saturday afternoon. Much to my surprize, my sons provided everyone with a fish supper that evening. They caught the fish themselves with their Mickey Mouse and Tigger rods. Awesome. They totally out fished their Dad as they had already caught five before he even got one. A little embarrassing, wouldn't you say? And, Brodie pulled a Grandpa Pete on his fishing partners and managed to catch a nap with his rod in hand. They had a great trip. Finally on Sunday, the sun came out. We got some beech time in before heading home. Otherwise, the rest of our trip was spent cooking, hangin around the fire or going for walks and bike rides. Brodie did great riding his new bike and improved really quickly. I hope you have enjoyed all the photos. We all sure enjoyed the trip. Well, that's pretty much it. It's time for me to get to bed. Evelyn

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