Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Rough Week for Riley

We were a little surprized at the end of this week when Children's Aid Services(CAS) didn't show up on our doorstep. No sooner had Riley's shiner healed up than he took a nose dive to the back patio, which can be clearly seen on this photo. A few nights later, while goofing around in bed, Brodie jammed a metal airplane into Riley's mouth in which Riley sustained a cut and a bit of a bulge to his lip. Clay and I were quite alarmed when we heard a yelp, then screaming, then turned the lights on in the boys room to reveal a profusely bleeding lip. You'll have to look a little closer but the damage to his lip is visible in the photo. If this wasn't enough, his lip was further injured and bled in the playground at school, which is probably the only reason that CAS didn't show up as Riley clearly demonstrated that he is accident prone. To top it all off, Riley skinned his knee on the sidewalk while chasing his soccerball. He dove to stop it from rolling into the street and now is missing some skin on his knee. What a week for Riley.

What's going on with the rest of them? Well, Brodie endured a bit of punishment this week. Seems he has a bad habit of jamming airplanes into people because he nailed Clay once last week and me today. He is banned from airplanes until further notice.

Grace is doing great and loving the many pairs of sunglasses she has. He vocabulary is getting better and better every day. We can't take our eyes off of her as she is quite dangerous. ei. hanging her head out the "Tim Hortons" window of our kitchen. She also likes to wander off with her friend Cecilia.

Fiona is a super happy baby. She is doing great as usual. She generally has a schedule but every once in awhile, she deviates from it. For example,today was actually the first day she slept through church from start until end and wasn't taken out of the carseat. What a treat.

As for Clay, he is sleeping off a really intersting night. He took the boys to the Kingston Airport to check out the Challenger Aircraft that Chris Strawson flew in last night. And now he is going recuperate from the social gathering he attended at the RMC Commandant's residence. He didn't get home until 430 am. I guess that's how long a keg, snacks and entertainment at BGen Lawson's house lasts.

As for me, I am truly loving my mat leave, my baby and big kids. I remembering being a basket case when I had only Riley in Edmonton. There were days when I wasn't out of my PJs before Clay came home from work. Now, I hit the gym early in the morning, sew and bake and keep up with the laundry all while going to the park in the mornings and hanging out with my girlfriends for coffee on Fridays. I am just getting good at this Mommy thing and I am calling it quits for more babies.

Anyways, here are the photos over the last week and a half. Since our last post, we have enjoyed the improving weather, removed the tarp off our patio furniture and watched a fly by at RMC with the Strawsons. Hope all is going well with everyone out there, Evelyn.

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