Monday, June 9, 2008

Fiona and Preston: 5-Month Photo

Fiona and Preston are five months old today. Coincidently, Mommy goes back to work today and leave Daddy holding onto the ropes: all four of them. Fiona is doing really well. She can sit up on her own for a bit, at least long enough to get a photo or two. She loves playing on her tummy and is starting to creep forward and pivote a bit; however, she does not roll yet. No, she is much to chubby for that. She has huge chubby legs. We are going to try to get her weighed and measured this week. My best guess is that she is about 17-18 lbs and about 26 inches long.
Fiona also started her first bit of solids this week and has taken really well to it. She loves it infact and gulps it down. Otherwise, she is still a happy smiley baby and likes to perform for the camera. I rarely get bad photos of her.

As for the rest of us, we had a good week all together last week. Clay and I were both on leave so we got lots of work done around the yard, went waterskiing on Thursday afternoon and swam in Nana Kat and Grampy Mike's pool a couple of times. Here are some more photos over the last week. We are now looking forward to a visit from Grandma and Grandpa Kotzer and Great Grandma Kotzer this Thursday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah! Brodie is playing soccer this year! He must be excited!