Wednesday, August 17, 2011

90 Years Young

What a year for birthdays! My Grandma turned 75, my Grandpa turned 80, and Clay's Grandma turned 90. Her birthday was the 4th of Aug, but we celebrated the occasion on July 26th, with our family, Uncle Elwood and his family and some of Grandma's closest relatives and friends. Although there were quite a few of us, it was actually a nice private affair. Unfortunately, Mark and Laura were unable to attend and we missed them tonnes. It would have been so cool for Grandma to see all 15 of her Great Grandchildren playing together. But, she had to do with only 12 and they got along so fabulously that it was a real treat....for all of us. Here are some photos of Grandma's birthday and a some from the days just before the event.

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