Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The weather here turned out great and it has gotten warmer all day! We got in an hour and a half a trick or treating and it was great! We had two pirates, a squirrel and a nut with us. Full bags of candy that are presently getting sampled by the three hard workers. Hope everyone had a great night,


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

From Kit to Eager Beaver

Riley is moving up in the colony! Last night was his investiture night, were the kits move up to eager beavers and get there handkerchiefs. To do this, they have to know the Beaver motto, creed and handshake. Riley did great and knew his stuff cold!! Here are some pics of the proud little guy. Cheers,


Grandpa's 60th (well just about!!)

I had the lucky chance to seek home this weekend for a pre-60th birthday party for Dad. It was great and I got to spend some wonderful time with family. While the haircut is pretty short, I think Dad is beating the 60's already!! Cheers,


Monday, October 13, 2008

Fall Fun with a Friend

Our friend Jacob is here for the day. We had lots of fun this morning, playing in the leaves!!!!

As you know, the blog posts have not be as frequent as usual, so, I hope these four posts in a row give you all who pay attention to our blog a bit of a fix for awhile.

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Gone Hiking

Yesterday, we went for a hike. We started at the base of Fort Henry Hill and made our way to the park at the CFB Kingston Yacht Club. Yesterday was about 20 degrees, no wind. A beautiful day for boating but it has been winterized so we went hiking instead.

Thanksgiving! Gobble Gobble

We did Thanksgiving on Saturday at Jamie and Kevin's house. It was great fun with a huge guest list: 10 adults and 4 kids and 3 babies!!! Jamie and Kev have hosted us and their families for several years now. Jamie is the pregnant one who is due in less than two weeks and although the turkey in her belly wasn't ready, neither was the one in the oven. Broiling a turkey for 6 hours just doesn't work!!! Looks good on the outside, deathly pink on the inside. Kev's Dad had great fun with the kids, chasing them around the house and scaring the crap out of them, which they LOVE!!! Any other questions about the photos, let me know but posting a question.

Fiona and Preston: 9-Month Photos

Hi All,

Here is quick update on Fiona. I apologize that it took so long to get photos of her on the blog. The first photo is of her on the 9th, the actual day she turned 9-months old. The others were taken yesterday as she was all dressed up and the weather was stunning.

Fiona is doing great. She is not walking yet, but she loves to crawl up to the chairs and push them around the living room and kitchen. She cruises really fast around things and walks along the furniture with one arm. She is starting to get braver and take the odd step, but really prefers crawling. She is also becoming very independent and plays really well on her long as everybody else is around her. Otherwise, she hates being left alone in a room. A real social butterfly.

Fiona has been having good days and bad days, the bad days which I attribute to her teething. She pushed out 3 new teeth in five days a couple weeks ago, so, her total is up to 8 teeth. Of all my babies, she has been the worst teether. A good indicator that she is teething is her lack of appetite. Normally, she is a super big eater. Yesterday, she ate 1 1/2 pancakes. The pancakes were a diameter of 6 inches. No syrop, just pancakes, but she just loved them. She is still nursing really well and I haven't started weaning her yet, even though I work full time and have gone away on two work trips. She thankfully takes a bottle way better than she used to.

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It's hard to tell in pictures, but her hair is growing well. She has a really nice head of hair but it is still quite so blond. Her hair is also poker straight, just like her Daddy's hair. Her eyelashes are beautifully long which she gets many compliments for. She is a real doll. We are not sure how much she weighs or how long she is; however, she is big for her age. She doesn't have her next appointment until she is one year old. That's about it on Fiona for this month.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Fall In Kingston

As Ev is away, my blogs are short and sweet. Here is a large slide show of the kids, what can I say, the new camera doesn't take any bad pictures. (and I really love that clicking sound of the SLR!!). Enjoy the pictures, talk to you soon,
