Thursday, August 27, 2009

Family Photos

Well, Clay and I and the kids are done with holidays and it is time to get back to some serious work...and blogging. I will do some blog posts of our holidays over the next week or so, but I will leave you all with a collage of some of my favourite photos from our professional shots done on the 14th of July. We love them and are having a hard time figuring out what to do with them now.

As for our holidays, they were great. We spent a little over three weeks in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta. We returned to Kingston on Sunday Aug 16th and then went camping two days later for a week. The prairie trip was wonderful as we got to spend lots of quality time with our families, attend a wedding of two dear friends and see may other friends along the way. The camping trip was great as we camped with the Eberts family for an entire week while other friends joined us over the weekend.

All good things must come to an end. Clay is preparing to teach his classes this fall. I am starting my contracting work and military reserve job soon. The boys are gearing up for school, music lessons, Beavers, and hockey this fall, while Grace will be doing music lessons. As for Fiona, she's probably going to get passed around a lot to make the rest of our schedules work.

Anyways, more to follow on the blog posts. I have a slight computer issue to sort out and then the posts will be rolling. Cheers, Evelyn