Saturday, November 10, 2007

Sausage Fiesta and an Update

One week ago today, we made our way to the Strawson household for a big sausage making guild. Mike and Katie opened their house to an event that started with 180 lbs of ground pork and beef and resulted in over 200 lbs of sausage by the end of it. It was a long day, but fun, with 7-8 families reaping the benefits of all the hard work. Clay and I didn't get home until 1230 am, as it takes a while to smoke that much sausage.

Here are some of the pictures from that event.

And now, a little pregnancy update: I am doing really well after a long tiring week. At work, there was a test exercise for some of the officers who are undergoing training. I had volunteered to be an evaluator for the exercise long ago in July. At 7 months pregnant, I technically shouldn't be doing events like this, however, I was in a heated tent the whole time, so it wasn't much different than being at the office, except the hours of work were quite a bit longer. I was up before five every morning and worked until past six pm Tuesday and Thursday. So, needless to say, it was a little tiring.

On Wednesday, I got to skip out of my evaluation duties and head down for a prenatal appointment. Everything with the baby and I is going well. My blood pressure is great and I am growing, so that means the baby is too. The baby's heart beat was 132 bpm. The baby also moved around a lot at the appointment, like s/he always does. So, when the doctor came and checked me out, the baby was in the breech position, head up. Although I am not thrilled about this, I am calmed by the fact that this baby moves a lot and does full flips. During my last appointment, two weeks ago, baby was head down. So, there is still time for the baby to get in the go position. If the baby is not head down at 36 weeks, then the doctors will consider flipping the baby or I will have to start looking at a C-section. We'll see how it goes. Here is a picture of me at 32 weeks, this past Tuesday.

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