Wednesday, February 6, 2008

A Great Day to Build A Snow Fort

Wow, what a beautiful day we had yesterday!! It was five degrees...above zero. The snow was melting and very sticky, so Brodie, Grace and I ventured outside to build a snow fort. This is our creation pictured below. It was a very misty, foggy day and I really hoped that it wouldn't rain and melt our fort before Riley saw it. He was at school and missed out on all the building. When he got home, he got to play in the fort too.

Fiona is 4 weeks old today. Here is a picture of her smiling in her sleep this morning. She is doing great; however, she can be quite fussy at times. She is suffering from baby acne right now and scratches a lot. I have put socks on her hands because she has made some pretty bad scratches.

This picture was taken by our friend Cinia, who babysat the kids for Clay and I before I went on leave. She took a lot of photos of the kids while they were with her and was so sweet to give us a disc of all the photos and videos.

Finally, Clay and I are making out alright on our own. I pretty much don't have time to stop and sit around doing nothing. The first big challenge I took on Monday was a shopping trip to Loblaws, with all four kids. The grocery list wasn't short either. We succeeded quite well as the three big kids behaved awesome and Fiona slept the entire time. Tuesday was the snow fort morning and today, we shovelled, yet again, another tonne of snow off the driveway (which Grandpa did the entire time he was here) before heading out to Cinia's house for playtime with Jacob and coffee.

Well, that's about it. Since this is my prime time to get chores done, I had better get off the computer. Til' next time, Evelyn

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