Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fiona and Preston: 2-Month Photo

Fiona hit the two month mark two days ago. She is doing great. She went from being our fussiest baby to being our happiest baby in a two week period. She smiles a lot now and has even started cooing a bit. She also loves to watch her brothers and sisters running by her. She is quite entertained by them so she likes to sit in her bouncy chair for quite sometime before complaining. Over the past two weeks, she has become such a content baby and has even started sleeping better. Generally, she only gets up once per night, goes to sleep immediately following nursing and then sleeps until around 7 am. Needless to say, I have been feeling a lot more rested and have start to go to the gym again in the morning before Clay goes to work.

Fiona had her two month check up yesterday. He doctor said she is doing wonderfully for her age and is easily surpassing the two month milestones. She is very strong and is also growing very well. She now weighs 12 lbs 3 oz and is 23 1/2 inches long. As for the shots, she really hated those. I don't know if she was super hungry and tired during her shots, but Mommy cuddles would not console her after being jabbed. She was a little off for the rest of the evening but she still had a pretty good night last night.

In other huge news, Clay is officially done writing up his thesis. It turned out to be over 200 pages, which he couriered away to his external reviewer today and sent copies to the internal (to RMC) reviewers this morning. So, he is quite relieved and excited and shocked. It has been a long, tireless effort, but we are all very happy. He will defend his work on the 4th of April. So, he has to put his presentation together, but there isn't very much left for him to do at this point. So, he is planning on getting a little extra french training under his belt.

As for the boys, they had their last swimming lesson last Thursday. After being tested, Riley, who loves the water and is very confident, has completed his "Sea Salamander" level and is moving up to "Sun Fish." As a bonus, he and the rest of his class got to go down the waterslide. It was his first time going down a waterslide, which he gave the thumbs up to on his way up for a second try at it. Brodie did well in his lessons too. Brodie can be quite fearful of the water, so the lessons helped his confidence improve immensely. There were some items under his "Sea Turtle" category that he wasn't able to complete so he will try and complete them again on the next lessons before moving up to Sea Salamanders.

And finally, Grace!!! For those who don't know, we have nicknamed her "Grace all over the place". She is really quick and doesn't stop for anyone or anything, no matter how high we hide it. She is very rough and now apparently, she is the boss around here. Her brothers are always getting an earful from her. Before, they could play dumb and pretend the didn't know what she meant, but her speaking is quite improved so there is no pretending not to know what she is saying. She orders them to get dress, where to sit, what to play and takes away their toys. She is very lucky because we have always told them to be gentle with her and so they let her get away with it. I wonder how long that will last.

That's about it. Enjoy the photos and videos. Evelyn

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