Monday, March 22, 2010

Little Musicians

On Feb 22nd, Riley and Brodie had a little informal music recital at Chapters in town. One of the other music teachers invited our music teacher and her students to join them. Here is Brodie playing a tune called "Clowns". He has his book infront of him but is not paying attention to it whatsoever, as he has the song completely memorized. He didn't want to play in this recital until he found out that he could play that song.
Here is Riley play a tune called "Valentine Rock". It's a super cute tune that he "fell in love with." Riley is a super confident piano player and didn't want his book. Sometimes the boys can be so different, but in the end, performing infront of the public does not bother them or give them any nerves at all. They are really confident and Clay and I are so proud.
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1 comment:

auntie connie said...

Happy to see that the Christmas sweaters fit. Tune into our blog to see an encore of all of your girls' clothes! Well done, Riley and Brodie! Auntie has a hard time speaking in front of strangers, let alone trying to play the organ. Can't wait for you guys to play for me again.