Monday, April 19, 2010

Mary Sells Kingston

Clay and I were relieved after only two days on the market, our house sold. We had to wait almost another week before the conditions were removed, but it is official. It is sold. We used a real estate agent by the name of Mary Murphy. She was fabulous. She was super easy to talk to but very business oriented. We would recommend her to anyone. That's exactly what we did, too. She was also Leslie and Ludger Hacault's agent too. They are moving to Kingston, just as we are leaving it, which is very disappointing. It would have been nice to live in the same city as them again.

So, what exactly is going on with us? Clay finished up the academic year on Friday and is administering the first of his two exams to his students this morning. His work load will greatly decrease as of Thursday this week. The boys are still doing music lessons and beavers and are now doing swimming lessons too. They will start baseball a little later. Grace is still loving her music lessons and is also taking swimming lessons. We are thinking of putting her in a session of gymnastics too. Fiona is on the sidelines watching.

The boys are doing great in school. Riley is doing very well on his spelling and math tests, while Brodie is learning a lot of Riley's stuff.

The girls just got hair cuts. Grace's hair was down to her lower back but was quite tangled all the time. So, I got a friend to cut Grace's hair and she gave Fiona a cute chin line bob cut.

We are looking forward to our house hunting trip and will be leaving on 5 May, while Clay's parents watch over the kids. Clay's mom is going to stay a little longer and be around for Riley's 7th birthday. Riley is so excited about that. We are also planning on going on a small trip to Niagara Falls, Great Wolf Lodge, with the Eberts family at the end of May. Clay heads off to Scotland to present his research and visit Mark and Laura around the 12th June. When he gets back, we will be moving 8 days later. So, life is busy for us as usual, but at least, we don't have to keep the house in pristine condition anymore.

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