Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Special Visitors

Well, February is half over and it has started the same way it always does....Evelyn's Birthday; however, this year was a little different! We had some extra special guest come to help celebrate. Connie and Emily ventured away from Regina, in the frigid cold, to spend a few days at our house. We had such a great time together. We did some window shopping, skating, sledding, digging snow and the our house. Too fun.

Following their visit, Clay went away last week and Grandma Stajniak and Great Grandma Englot came for a visit. Like usual, those two can't sit still and they filled my freezer with perogies, bread and buns, and cabbage rolls. We almost needed to buy a new freezer.

We also had one other visitor to our house: Bou, the Buffalo. He belongs to Riley's teacher and she is letting Bou, pronounced Boo, spend some time with each of her students. So there are pictures in the slide show of Bou while he was at our house. The pictures with apples in the corner were printed out and put in the teacher's special memory book. I made them up on Picnik for Riley.


GC Litz said...

The pictures with Bou are super cute. Emily was able to ID Fiona with her toque, scarf and sunglasses. So good to have you guys closer to home. Emily will definitely get to know her cousins!

Anonymous said...

Hi Evelyn, sorry I just realized that you never got my reply to your comment. I didn't realize I couldn't just reply?? Anyway, I made my way to your blog to find an email - but can't seem to do that either... so if you get this we will back your way in a couple months for a follow up scan. Hoping things will be a little less hectic and if Melissa is doing well we can visit you then. Oh and Happy Belated Birthday!