Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Fourth and Final

Hi Everyone,

I just thought I would give you all a little update on my pregnancy and how we (baby and I) are doing. So far, things are going great. I really think I am getting good at this pregnancy thing....not good enough to carry on with more though. The baby and I are doing really well. I keep very fit and healthy by going to the gym 3-4 times per week and snacking a lot at work. We hit 25 weeks on Tuesday and just had a check up Monday morning. The doctor was really happy with everything that is going on with me. My belly is measuring small but still growing, my total weight gain is right on target, and the baby's heart beat is great. We had a hard time getting the heart beat because the doc had to chase the baby around. S/he did not like being poked and flipped around and away from the doppler.

As I said previously, this will be Clayton's and my last pregnancy. We always said we wanted four and that's where it will end for us. Of course, being the hormonal pregnant one, this is a time for much happiness and sadness for me. I take special note of every kick, wiggle or flop because these are my last. I revel in the anticipation of whether this is a boy or a girl and how exiting it is to wait to the last minute. I look forward to embracing, once the again, the absolute innocents of a new born child and to creating a bond between baby and me through nursing. All of these joyful things make me a little teary-eyed when I realize it will be for the last time. For these reasons, I will patiently await the arrival of baby number #4, no matter how late this baby is.

On the other hand, I am very excited to carry on with our completed family. I am eager to start a new chapter of our lives that evolves from late night feedings and diaper changes to late night movies, stories around a campfire and sporting events. Finally, I look forward to getting back into shape and staying that way. As much as I will miss my pregnancies, newborns and first year memories, I truly do look forward to moving on in life.

So, where have my babies gone? Well, Riley starts school tomorrow. He is so excited. Brodie has started being such a good nurturing influence on Grace by guiding her in what is right and be gentle to the kitty. And Grace, she cleans everything, puts things in the garbage and closes every open door.

Here are a few photos of all of us. I had better get going because tomorrow always comes early.


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