Sunday, September 16, 2007

Things To Do At The Park

Well, it's time for another post. Clay has been super busy at school work and I was gone to Trenton for a course on Wednesday and Thursday this past week. Before I left to Trenton on Tuesday night, we took the kids to the park and took a few pictures and videos. Riley and Brodie are getting so agile and can conquer anything at the park. Grace likes to try to do the same and does quite well for herself. There's pretty much nothing she won't try.

Clay and I had a really good weekend. After a couple days away from the kids, I was left at home alone for the weekend with them. Clay had planned a "Man Weekend" at Charleston Lake...just a whole bunch of guys, camping and fishing together and you can guess what else. They managed to stay there the whole weekend without starting the park on fire or getting kicked out, so they must not have been too bad. I guess they left the citronella candles a home.

As for me, as if three kids didn't keep me busy enough, I hosted a group of girlfriends for girls night on Saturday night. I made Nanaimo bars and served up de-alcoholized wine. Picture this, a woman 5 1/2 months pregnant, in the liquor store, holding a purse in one hand, baby girl in the other, and two little boys following her. One was carrying a bottle of Shiraz Cabernet and the other, Sauvignon Blanc. I felt like such a hick. The only thing that could have been worse was if I had them carrying 66's of rye and rum. So, I went to the liquor store and bought some nice wine for my friends, but, no one could drink it for various reasons. I love my girlfriends and they needed a night out. Did I mention that the college students were laughing? I was willing to sacrifice a little pride.

Clay got home around 2:30 pm and let me have a mega nap. Clay took the kids to the park for more playtime while I was sleeping. We had supper and went hot tubbing after that. We could have used a little more park time because, while Clay was bathing Grace, the boys decided to use the towel rack as a chin up bar, both at the same time, and pretty much yanked it out of the wall. Yeah, not a good result. Where was I? Changing out of my wet bathing suit. So, yet again, more house projects and more things to do, ie discipline. It never ends. That's pretty much it for now. Riley starts school this week, so we'll let you know how that is going. Take care all, Evelyn

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