Sunday, January 27, 2008

Exciting Arrival!!

Hi Everyone, Another week has come and gone. It's hard to believe that my sister and Greg were here only a week ago. Time is flying and our baby is growing. I even think her hair as grown since the first day. Fiona is doing really well. She is changing a lot. Her gassy smiles seem to have changed into real legitimate smiles. She is going through a growth spurt and does not sleep any more than 3 hours at a time. I am hanging in there but will admit that I felt a little more tired toward the end of this past week. Who does she look like? I think she has a bit of each of her three older siblings. She has Graces mouth, Brodie's nose and cheeks and Riley's eyes. How does that sound?

As for the rest of them, they are doing great too. Grace has fallen in love with Mommy's shoes and loves to pull them out of the closet and wear them all around the house. Riley and Brodie started swimming lessons a few weeks ago and are loving them. Riley is learning so much at school. When asked almost any word, he can identify the letter that the word starts with. Of course, Brodie won't be left behind and is learning and identifying a lot of letters too, thanks to Riley.

So life here has been going really well. It hasn't been to stressful as Susan and Allen have been a great help to us. I have had a lot of appointments at the base and it has been so convient to have live-in babysitters so that I don't have to drag 4 kids around for these boring but necessary appointments. They are almost at the end of their tour here and will be leaving next Sunday, which makes me ask the question...How will I survive on my own?

As for the exciting arrival, our friends, Mike and Katie Strawson, have added another member to their family. Baby Claudia arrived on Friday evening so we made our way to the hospital to meet and visit our newest, and smallest friend, yesterday. Anyways, hope you enjoy the photos. Evelyn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi. Two comments.

One. Hope you like the necklace. I saw it on you in the pic at the hospital. Hopefully my "big and bold" style isn't too much for you!

Two. What is Mike doing wearing an EE cap?!? I believe it was a pic of your kids assaulting him at the hospital. Isn't he a Rider fan?!?