Sunday, January 20, 2008

Fiona's Baptism

Wow! What a busy weekend!! There was tonnes of stuff to keep us busy this weekend. First, my sister and her husband showed up at 1:30 am Saturday. They came into Kingston specifically for Fiona's baptism because they were the Godparents. They are already gone so the were here for less than 48 hours. We are so thankful for the effort that the put forward to be here for Fiona's special day.

They weekend, however, started with a surprize Baby Shower for me. My neighbour invited Connie and I over for tea on Saturday after lunch. Fiona was sleeping so I left her behind. Clay said he would call me if she woke up hungry. Of course, about a half hour later, Clay called and told me there was not much that he could do to provide a screaming baby with the nourishment she needed. So, Connie and I went home to discover a house full of my friends. It was awesome. What a great surprize, thanks to Katie Strawson.

As I said, Fiona was baptized today. I do realize that she was kind of a little young, but I honestly feel the younger the better if you can do it. We planned it for this weekend because it was the best weekend for Connie and Greg to be with us. Everything went well. Fiona slept through the whole mass, even when Father Paul poured the cold water on her head. She did very well. After church, we had everyone over for lunch and drinks. It was a really great day overall and it was really awesome to have some of our family and friends for this special day.

Of course, finally what would our blog be without a video of our rough and tumble Grace doing her thing.

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