Saturday, September 13, 2008

Fiona and Preston: 8-Months Old

Here are the photos of Fiona and Preston at 8 months old. Finally, our doctor is back from England so she had an appointment with him. She was 19 lbs 11oz and 28 1/2 inches. She is big for her age. Our chubby little cherub has done a lot of new things in the last month. She started crawling on her hands and knees, crawling up to things and pulling herself up and now cruises around everything. She still has her moments where she forgets where she is or the fact that she can't walk yet and crashes.

Our feeding nightmare has pretty much come to an end. She actually is willing to take a bottle now, which is a good thing because I went away on a two day conference to Gagetown. She's not great at the bottle, but she's getting there. She also likes straw cups and sippy cups better too now. Even though I went away, she is still nursing full time when I am around and I manage to work it into my work schedule.

This past month, we also moved Fiona out of the crib in our room and into her own crib in her own room. This move was not so much about breaking the bond and striving for independence as it was about getting some good sleep. Fiona is also getting way easier to put to sleep. She used to require lots of motion, walking and rocking to get her to sleep. Now, when she's tired, we just lay her down and rub her back a bit and she's good to go.

Other than that, she is generally a pretty happy baby until she gets tired. Teething has been alright but has been pretty painful at times. She now has 5 teeth, two on the bottom and three on the top. She eats everything we feed her and still likes meat. Yeah!!! That's it for another month. All the best to all of you. Evelyn
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