Saturday, September 13, 2008

Our Boys Go To School

Well, school has started!!! In Ontario, kids start school at age 4 or 3 depending on when they have their birthday. So, Riley is in Senior Kindergarten and Brodie is in Junior Kindergarten. The boys did not start on the same day. Riley's first day was September 4th. I drove him to school that day and gave him a big hug. He came home on the bus just like last year. His teacher's name is Mrs. Rutherford.
Brodie started school this past week on September 11th. He has the same teacher that Riley had last year, Mrs. Murphy. For the juniors, they start slowly, so there were only four other kids in his class that day. But, nonetheless, he spent the whole day there. We all drove him to school for his first day, but, he was a super big boy and came home on the bus, with his big brother. Brodie is a lot more shy than Riley, so we thought he would be a lot more anxious. He surprized us greatly and loved it. He even has a new friend from his first day named Alex. Brodie's next day of school is September 23 and his full class will be there that day.
The boys are in different, but adjoining classrooms. So, they don't see eachother that much during the day. However, they do get to spend recess together. Of course, they are joined at the hip and play together, which became evident as we received a phone call from the school on Brodie's first day. The boys had an incident. Riley was chasing Brodie and Brodie ran under a tree. Riley didn't. He cracked his forhead into the limb of the tree and scraped it up a bit. No big cuts or stitches required but maybe a bit of bruised ego.
So, here is Brodie coming of the bus. Yes, his book bag is almost bigger than he is. At least he remembered it. Riley almost forgot his on the bus. I wonder who keeps who in line with those two boys. Anyways, the first day's of school were great.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ev, do you remember who was always loosing her shoes, socks, brush, etc. when we were growing up? You always used to accuse me of hiding them from you b/c I always knew where I had seen them last. Looks like the trend continues with your boys?