Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gone Skiing

On Sunday, July 5th, we finally got out on the lake and went skiing. It turned out to be quite a nice day. We invited the Taylors to come with us. Thankfully, Al and Colin came along and we had a really good time. Unfortunately, Melissa and Claire had to stay home because Claire wasn't up to it that afternoon. It's also good to have a doctor around just in case something bad happens. Clay, Al, Riley and I all skied. Everyone else, except Fiona, went for a swim. Al hadn't been on skies since he was a teenager. Riley got his first ski in of the season and since last July. He was super psyched for it and skied for at least 10 minutes straight. I was driving the boat and had to tell him he was getting off. He was very brave and kept asking to go faster. In the one picture, you will see him giving the thumbs up to me, which means "go faster" in waterskiing language. I finally got my first ski of the season in. It was tonnes of fun as you can see by the expression on my face as I climb into the boat. As for Clay, unfortuneately, I don't have any hero ski shots of him cutting up the water. Maybe next time.

1 comment:

auntie connie said...

Yeah for Riley! Looks like he had a great ski.