Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fiona Turns Three

On Sunday, we celebrated Fiona's 3rd Birthday. She has come a long way in a year. She can actually talk now, when she wants to, and babbles to me all day long. Her favourite thing to say, especially when she's getting disciplined is, "Mommy, I want to talk to you" or "Mommy, I have to tell you something" and then she plants a big kiss on me. What a squirt.

She had a great birthday and we all surrendered to her decisions, except Church in the morning, which was non-negotiable. So, Fiona chose to go sledding during the afternoon. Then, she wanted to do karaoke. Pizza is what she ordered for supper and of course, she had cake for dessert. Her cake was a roller skate, which she picked out herself when we went to the Bulk Barn. Grace got rollerblades for Christmas and Fiona was constantly skating around my Mom's house and our basement with them. It's her new thing, so as soon as she saw the rollerskate cake, that's what she wanted. Little did she know that she was getting rollerblades for her Birthday from Grandma and Grandpa Stajniak. She got lots of great gifts for her birthday: a new outfit, which she wore immediately, more clothes for the Barbie she got for Christmas, necklace beads, and her very own suitcase. All in all, I think she really loved her Birthday and the gifts, even though she didn't have a big party with all of her friends.

Here are some pictures from her day. Unfortunately, I forgot to take the camera to the snow hill.

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