Sunday, November 8, 2009

A "Star Wars" Halloween

As stated in the previous blog, the kids decided to dress up in Star Wars costumes for Halloween. Riley was Obi Wan Kenobe, Brodie the Emporer, Grace was Princess Leia, and Fiona an Ewok.

You will notice that Grace's costume looks nothing like princess Leia, who usually wore a lot of white. When Grace found it in the store,there was not leaving it behind and no convincing her otherwise. So, at least I did her hair up like P. Leia.
They had a great time, in spite of the horrible wind, and got lots of treats. Clay and I enjoyed touring them around the neighbourhood and visiting with neighbours. We just left our candy on our front porch with a sign that said, "Take a few". Either everyone was super honest or there weren't many kids because we had a lot of our own candy left.

As well, here is the link to the video I made of them. You should be able to just click on it to work.

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